The game has 3D characters over 2D backgrounds, Resident Evil style, though fortunately I'm not forced to play using Resident Evil's walking controls (unless I decide to use the d-pad, then I am.) You know, these graphics are actually fairly impressive for the PlayStation I reckon.

After running out of icons we eventually agreed that I'd have better chance of sneaking into this building if he was loud and annoying near the entrance. This bought up dialogue icons letting me choose which topic to discuss. I started off by walking over and having a chat with my contact Kostov, the leader of the Volgian resistance. First we reveal that we arrived in the shithole state of Volgia to search for a missing American agent called Kiefer. Betraying his nation one puzzle at a time. Cord's leaving it to ME to spill all Her Majesty's Secret Service's secrets by playing through his mission in a flashback.